BD Ascension Skin with Binder Clip on Tip Fold

How to keep stiff climbing skins from unfolding when drying

Originally Posted: January 2022
Updated: December 2023

Many brands of skin glue, Ascension included, are temperature-sensitive, such that the glue becomes stickier with decreasing temps.  This is great for keeping skins attached to skis on cold days, but it means that the glue loses its holding power when skins are dried in a warm room.  As a result, skins with an old-style fold-over tip connection tend to come unfolded, making it necessary to reposition the tip loops each time—a minor problem, but annoying nonetheless. 

My simple fix for this problem is to attach a medium-size binder clip to the top of each skin.  The clips apply just enough force to keep the tip loops in place. They remain in place constantly, whether the skins are attached to my skis, stored in their bag, or hung up to dry. And if I ever need to adjust the length of the skins, it’s an easy matter to remove and then replace the clips.

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