Trip Date: September 18-20, 2019
Martin Peak & Cheops Peak Climbing Trip
Eagle Creek
Martin Lakes
Cheops Peak (8270′)
Martin Peak (8375′)
Trip Report Summary
Region: North-Central Washington Cascades
Sub-Region: Sawtooth Mountains
Area: Okanogan – Wenatchee National Forest
Starting & Ending Point: Crater Creek Trailhead at end of Crater Creek Road #4340-300 (Elev. 4700 feet)
Way Points: Crater Creek & Eagle Creek & Martin Creek & Lower Martin Lake (trail hike)
Campsite: Lower Martin Lake
Sidetrip: Upper Martin Lake & North Martin Pond (trail hike & off-trail hike)
Summit: Cheops Peak (rock scramble via Southeast Slope—Northeast Ridge; descent via South Ridge)
Summit: Martin Peak (rock scramble via North Ridge—Upper South Face; descent via East Ridge—Southeast Slope)
Approximate Stats: 17.5 miles traveled; 5300 feet gained & lost.
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Full Trip Report
Eileen and I headed to Sawtooth Ridge for a three-day trip, in hopes of escaping the prevalent wet weather. This plan partially worked; we had rain on the hike in and during both nights, but dry weather on our summit day.
Day 1: Trailhead to Lower Martin Lake
Starting from the newly expanded Crater Creek Trailhead on a rainy Wednesday, we headed up the well-maintained trail leading to Martin Lakes. It was not a day for mountain views, so we kept our eyes on the trail. Several huge and unusual mushrooms along the way gave testament to the amount of rain we’ve had throughout the summer.
- Strange Trail Mushroom
We arrived at Lower Martin Lake in late afternoon (4.0 hours + 2350 feet from TH) and stopped on a small knoll overlooking the lake. It was still raining steadily, so we hastily pitched our tent and dove inside.
- Camp At Lower Martin Lake
Day 2: Cheops Peak & Martin Peak Summit Loop
The nighttime rain eased up before dawn, so we awoke to partly clear skies. Morning sun lit up the lake basin and the snow-dusted peaks above us.
- Lower Martin Lake From Camp
- Cheops Peak From Lower Martin Lake
We started our day by hiking up grassy slopes toward Cheops Peak, which sits 1/2 mile north of Martin Peak.
- Heading For Cheops Peak On Day 2
Along the way, we passed North Martin Pond—a cute little bowl of water with a nice view of Martin Peak.
- Martin Peak From North Martin Pond
Farther up the hill, we could see the pond and both Martin Lakes. Many of the larch trees were starting to turn gold.
- Martin Lakes & North Pond From Cheops Peak
Upon reaching the northeast ridge of Cheops Peak, we turned left and scrambled along the crest. Wet lichen and snow patches made for tricky footing here.
- Scrambling Up Northeast Ridge Of Cheops Peak
It was still sunny when we reached the summit in late morning (2.2 hours + 1500 feet from camp), but dark clouds were moving in from the west.
- Eileen On Summit Of Cheops Peak
- Star Peak & Oval Peak & Mt Bigelow From Cheops Peak
Martin Peak, our next objective, was basking in the sun. We dropped down the south ridge of Cheops Peak (staying just left of the crest), crossed through the ridge saddle, then began scrambling up the north ridge of Martin Peak (staying just right of the crest).
- Martin Peak From Cheops Peak
There was more snow on this northwestern aspect, so our progress was slow. The final Class 2-3 moves on the upper west face were made carefully.
- Scrambling Up North Ridge Of Martin Peak
We stepped onto the summit in early afternoon (4.5 hours + 2200 feet from camp). There was no summit register here anymore, but the views were still good.
- Cooney/Switchback Peak From Summit Of Martin Peak
- Mt Bigelow & Cheops Pk & Raven Ridge From Martin Pk
For our descent, we followed the east ridge down to a 7700-foot col. Our options from there were to either drop down a steep gully to the north or down a moderate scree and talus slope to the south. Not being in any particular hurry, we chose the latter option.
- Descending East Ridge Of Martin Peak
After descending 500 feet, we intersected the Cooney Lake Trail as it cut through a grassy basin. This trail led us easily down to Martin Creek and back up to our campsite at Lower Martin Lake by late afternoon (8.1 hours + 2600 feet total loop).
Day 3: Lower Martin Lake to Trailhead
Rain had moved in during the night, but the sky completely cleared up by morning. We packed up and headed down the trail, passing numerous Friday hikers and mountain bikers along the way. We reached the busy trailhead in late morning (2.9 hours + 300 feet from camp).
- Grassy Clump At Lower Martin Lake
Route Maps & Profile


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