A classic alpine traverse through the McAllister Mountains in the Northwestern Washington Cascades. Can be performed in a clockwise direction (from Primus Peak to Eldorado Peak to Colonial Peak) or in a counter-clockwise direction (from Colonial Peak to Eldorado Peak to Primus Peak).
Inspiration–Isolation Traverse + Primus Peak + Eldorado Peak + Snowfield Peak (McAllister Mountains, WA)
Trip Date: June 29 – July 6, 2019 Inspiration–Isolation Traverse aka McAllister Traverse: Borealis Glacier to Inspiration Glacier to...
Eldorado Peak (8868/8873 ft)Favorite TripsInspiration–Isolation Trav (WA)McAllister MountainsNorthwestern WA CascadesPrimus Peak (8508/8497 ft)Snowfield Peak (8347/8346 ft)The Landmark TwelveThe McAllister FiveThe Tall TwelveThe Thunder EightThunder MountainsTraverses & Loops (Alpine)Isolation Peak